Giacinto Scelsi Edition – Volume 1


1 CD 

Classical Music 



10 October 2020

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Giacinto Scelsi:MaknonganQuattro IllustrazioniRiti: I Funerali d' AchilleRiti: I funerali di Carlo MagnoString Quartet No. 2


Francesco Dillon (Cello)Roberto Fabbriciani (Flute)Fabrizio Ottaviucci (Piano)Fulvia Ricevuto (Percussion)

Count Giacinto Scelsi D’Ayala Valva, aristocrat, poet and composer, was one of the twentieth century’s more unusual musicians.The Scelsi Edition has been devised by Stradivarius, working with the Isabella Scelsi Foundation, sole heir to Giacinto Scelsi’s artistic output. New original recordings and significant items were recorded live in Rome, 2005, to mark the 100th anniversary of Scelsi’s birth.This Scelsi Festival ran for six months and comprised over 40 concerts and events involving all the major cultural institutions in Italy. All five pieces on the present recording are ritualistic and ceremonial in nature.