Franco Alfano Songs – Anna Pirozzi


1 CD 

Classical Music 

Resonus Classics


9 November 2023

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Franco Alfano:Due liriche per canto, violoncello e pianoforteGiorno per giorno (arietta per violoncello e pianoforte)Mélodies (5), Op. 1Sei liricheTre nuovi poemiÈ giunto il nostro ultimo autunno


Anna Pirozzi (Soprano)

Detailed Presentation

Franco Alfano:Giorno per giorno (arietta per violoncello e pianoforte)Mélodies (5), Op. 1Sei liricheTre nuovi poemiÈ giunto il nostro ultimo autunno
Emma Abbate (Piano)Anna Pirozzi (Soprano)
Franco Alfano:Due liriche per canto, violoncello e pianoforte
Emma Abbate (Piano)Anna Pirozzi (Soprano)Bozidar Vukotic (Cello)

Franco Alfano was a major musician and teacher who enjoyed considerable success with his operas during his lifetime, but who has been overlooked for decades.

Generally regarded as the regenerator of the Italian art song, the works featured in this album offer a generous overview of Alfano’s vocal output, from his Opus 1 Cinq melodies, written in 1896 when he was a twenty-one-year-old student at Leipzig, to Due liriche per canto, violoncello e pianoforte from 1949, five years before his death.

Anna Pirozzi has established herself as the leading Italian dramatic soprano of today, performing on the most prestigious international opera stages. She is joined here by the acclaimed pianist Emma Abbate and renowned cellist Bozidar Vukotic.

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Anna Pirozzi

Wiener Staatsoper, Autriche.

Nabucco – Verdi

Anna Pirozzi (Abigaille)

From: €199

Until: 18/06/2024 22:00

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